Monday, 3 January 2011

Environment Variable - NLS_LANG in Windows Server 2008

After a new server  - Windows Server 2008 was built, and after the Oracle client was setup, the application that was talking to the database was not fetching the data.
Some of the tables were not displaying data, and as a result there were problems.

Oracle Apps tables wont display data, unless the correct environment variables are set.

a) You would need to add the nls_lang to the  system variables under the environment variables.

Adding NLS_LANG for Oracle environment

b) You would need to log off and log back in to get the settings in place.

c) Check your Oracle environment, if they have been in place. You may have to change the setting in registry, and in Win 2008 server, it is in --> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE\KEY_OraClient11g_home1

Now users should be able to get the desired output from viewing the tables via command prompt, or with other tools.

d) Using SQLDeveloper, the developers were crying that they were not able to see the data.

Solution? You would need to change the NLS Settings in the SQL Developer to view the appropriate data.

I was astonished the next day when I came and the developer told me that he was not able to see the data. He searched in and out in the registry for any links to developer, but could not get it working.

SOLUTION: Change the NLS settings by going to SQL Developer -->  tools --> preferences --> databases --> NLS

SQL Developer NLS_LANG settings for NLS
Below is what was done in my laptop to view data from tables.

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